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Laurie Baker - The Unseen Side - Architecture Plus Design

July 31, 2007 at 6:30:00 PM

"Isn't it a shame that there are so many people who have no access to anything that can be called architecture? We, as architects and highly trained professionals, are doing so little to meet this very great need. We must never forget that there are 20 million families who are sadly deprived, let alone have the benefit of anything called architecture. Not even a hut. It is to our shame that we allow these figures to increase ", so speaks the celebrated, late British-born Indian architect Laurie Baker.

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Ranging from topics like his initial days in India to a personally developed architectural style and philosophy, unique and distinguished, one of Baker’s dear students, who has whole-heartedly trailed along with his master’s simple, novel, and sustainable architectural methods, reminisces over his early architectural days with Baker and how the unparalleled influence of his master led him to pursue a life in sustainable architecture that still bears ripened fruits.

Benny Kuriakose, whose life and career in architecture has been equally rewarding, even today maintains the quality and incomparable sustainable construction methods that the late architect introduced and practiced.

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