Green Building An Architectural Challenge-Society and Environment
May 31, 2008 at 6:30:00 PM
Benny Kuriakose is an architect with a difference. Trained under illustrious architect Laurie Baker, he has earned acclaim for his rehabilitation architecture. He created a model of cost-effective dwelling units for the victims of the earthquake in Latur (India) in 1994 as well as Tsunami victims in 2004. Benny has been invited by the School of Planning and Architecture, the Indian Institute of Technology and other premier institutes to share his philosophy of architecture with the common people. He provides consultancy to the United Nations Development Programme as well.
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For Society & Environment Dubai, Benny gives a 'green' overview of several issues revolving around architecture and discusses his views on LEED rated buildings and the urban landscape. The article talks about creating ecologically sustainable buildings where Benny says, “Sustainable development is not at all against development or urbanization, but it is against uncontrolled development which serves only the short-term interest of a minority of the people. When asked about the benefits of enforcing sustainable techniques in the future, he explains, ”It is a bit difficult. When the community becomes more conscious, then the builders and the contractors will follow sustainable practices.” Read the full interview here!