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Benny Kuriakose - On His Initial Experiments With Architecture 01

September 2, 2020 at 6:30:00 PM

In the architecture podcast episode of Archgyan, Benny Kuriakose discusses his entire journey in architecture,including how he met Laurie Baker by happenstance, the value of experiential learning, architectural education, the future of architecture, and much more. The video gives an insight into the life of Dr Benny Kuriakose,his work and his passion for design and architecture.

Under Laurie Baker's direction, Dr. Benny Kuriakose began his professional life. He focuses on affordable housing, sustainable architecture, and the preservation of historic buildings. Along with a design that reflects his client's goals, he uses vernacular architecture ideas.

The podcast covers his journey after graduation in civil engineering and the initial steps he took after college. His experience working under Laurie Baker and how he learned from the craftsmen and his interest in sustainable architecture are explained in detail.

He spoke about traditional buildings in India and his career visits to traditional buildings. He also speaks about the break he took in his career.

He briefly explained how he was able to teach the masons and the craftsmen and how he trained each one of them to be a professional. He followed Baker’s principles throughout his journey and taught the people working under him the same. Baker guided him and mentored him, and he considers it a great experience to work under him.

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Architectural Designers & Conservation Consultants

Flat F, Third Floor, Springwood Apartments, No.6, Ranjith Road Kotturpuram, Chennai 600085.

Ph: +91 9092115815 / +91 91764 57328

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