Green Homes - Better Interiors
June 30, 2014 at 6:30:00 PM
The Better Interiors interviews Benny Kuriakose and describes him as one of India's foremost conservation and architecture design consultant. The interview gives a little insight into Dr Benny Kuriakose’s philosophies and aspirations. Dr Benny Kuriakose, an architectural consultant based in Chennai, has spent years exploring vernacular architecture. His venture into architecture started off through mentorship with prestigious architect Laurie Baker.
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Greatly influenced by Laurie Baker, he says he might have shifted away from the kind of buildings he (Laurie Baker) worked on and adds that “there are some traces of it, albeit in a different form.” He feels that there is a lot to learn from traditional architecture. Therefore, he uses sloping roofs, courtyards and verandahs as strong expressive elements in his projects and tries to adapt them to a contemporary context. When asked about which architectural firm he would like to collaborate with, he replied, “That would be architect Jeevan from Chennai who is trained under architect Geoffrey Bawa. He is a very good designer, but is not ambitious and very low key.” Read the article to find out more!