On Conservation of Historic Buildings - Vanitha Veed Interview
March 31, 2020 at 10:00:00 PM
An interview with Dr. Benny Kuriakose on the conservation of historic buildings by Sinu Cherian in Veedu Magazine, published in Malayalam.
Creating modern physical structures is frequently associated with development. We require change. A city that does not evolve is doomed. But why should we demolish historic structures to make way for new structures that can go anywhere? Thus, this article explains the significance of preserving built heritage and how it can serve as a model for the rest of the world.
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No matter how complex the damage is, there is always a solution. The long list of public buildings and houses that have been conserved and extended for another hundred years is evidence of this.
According to the Architectural Survey of India, buildings that are more than a hundred years old come under this category. Permission is required for demolition and renovation. But even though the building handed over to you is only fifty or sixty years old, it should be treated as a "heritage house," says Benny Kuriakose. This is not something to be measured by mere logic alone. Old buildings are the remnants of our heritage. Once lost, it's forever. It can never be recreated again. The benefit of heritage conservation is that our heritage and culture can be experienced by future generations,added Benny Kuriakose.