Vernacular Traditions- Contemporary Architecture - Chandramandapa
December 31, 2011 at 6:30:00 PM
This article is from the book "Vernacular Traditions and Contemporary Architecture", edited by Aishwarya Tipnis and published by The Energy and Resources Institute, New Delhi. It talks about Chandramandapa, the Kalari performance arena and Chandramandala, designed by Benny Kuriakose and Associates. The article talks at length about the design and thought process behind the two. The project was to design the spaces at #1 Elliots Beach Road, Besant Nagar, Chennai where the legendary dancer-choreographer Chandralekha lived, danced and created her memorable and path-breaking works in the dance drama.
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The spaces were the new Kalari performance area, the redesign of the open-air theatre, her residence, and a new library. The main challenge was to accommodate the requirements in a site without affecting the vocabulary of the space. For example, the design has evolved in such a way that none of the existing trees on the site has been disturbed. What is the breathtaking new addition is the space for practice and performance of the martial art of Kalari, which formed an integral part of Chandralekha’s dance concepts and choreography. Read the full article for more information.