Painting of the walls, woodwork, and metal grill work is done to give a good appearance to the surface, besides protecting it from corrosion and decay. Painting has an impact on a building's overall look, both inside and out. It should be carried out with outstanding craftsmanship.
The main objectives of the painting work are :
1. To protect the surfaces against airborne debris as well as decay and oxidation.
2. To assist with surface cleaning.

Cement Based Paints
Cement paints are available in powder form and are applied on the exterior cemented walls, all types of masonry walls or surfaces like bungalows, multi-storied buildings, bridges, dams, houses, buildings for the general public, etc. Interior masonry cemented surfaces can also be painted with cement paint.
It provides all sorts of cemented walls and surfaces with excellent protection against ultraviolet rays, harsh climatic conditions like rain, heat, humidity, and salty environments near sea coastlines. It stops fungus and fungi from growing on cemented surfaces. All cemented masonry surfaces where cement paint is applied have a smooth and appetizing aspect as it conceals different surface imperfections such as hair lining, roughness, etc.

Points to remember during the application of cement based paints
The following points describe the process involved in the application of cement-based paints :
1. The dry paint powder is added to water and not the other way around.
2. Two parts of dry powder are added to one part of water by volume in a clean container
and mixed thoroughly till a uniform paste is obtained.
3. One part of water is again added by continuously stirring to get a paint of uniform
4. Before applying the paint, the walls have to be saturated with water.
5. The whole quantity prepared should be consumed within one hour.
6. Two or three coats of paint may be applied to get the required finish.
Curing period for cement based paints
When all of the paint's solvents have fully evaporated and the material has reached its hardest point, this process is referred to as "curing." The paint is no longer brittle at this time. The "curing period," which is often referred to as the "setting time," varies greatly depending on the paint and finish being used.
Any paint made out of cement with different pigments needs to cure for at least five days.
Advantages & disadvantages of cement based paints
Paints made of cement are inexpensive, come in a wide range of hues, and can match any shade. It performs well in terms of outdoor decorating and protection.
Since it is available in powder form and is dissolved in water before use, there is no possibility of drying it out.
It is not long-lasting and the colour wears off quickly, producing an unpleasant appearance. This is its main disadvantage.

Enamel Paints
Enamel paint is a paint that is intended to give your surface a glossy and hard finish, Additionally, the paint withstands damage and wear very well. The majority of enamel paints are oil-based, but today, however, producers have also produced an enamel paint that is water-based.
Enamel paint can be applied to the surface to protect it and reduce the amount of maintenance needed to keep it in top condition. There is a large variety of gloss levels and vibrant colours in enamel paints. Enamel paints are also particularly resistant to rust, water damage, colour fading, corrosion, and corrosion, etc. Enamel paints do, however, offer some advantages and disadvantages, just like any other material.

Points to remember during the application of enamel paint
1. It should be ensured that the timber is properly seasoned before it is painted.
2. The surface of the woodwork should be cleaned and all the nail heads should punched to a depth of 3 mm.
3. A priming coat (the first coat of paint) is applied whose main function is to fill the pores
of the wooden surface by penetrating into the surface. It also acts as the foundation for
subsequent coats of the paint.
4. When priming coat is dry, the nail holes, cracks, dents etc on the surface of the woodwork are filled up with putty. The surface is then sanded.
5. Next, the undercoat of the paint is applied.
6. Each coat should be applied after the coat applied previously has sufficiently dried. For
superior works, each coat is rubbed before applying the next coat.
7. Generally 2-3 coats of finish paint give satisfactory results.

The wrong tools, procedures, and poor handling of the surface during the application of paint are the major causes of failure or problems associated with it. Some of the issues include flaking, cracking, chalking, etc. Only quality workmanship, proper painting conditions and tools, adhering to the correct technique, etc., may give a good finish to the surface.
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